09-27-2013, 07:02 PM
As I've mentioned in my greeting thread... I draw kinda. so here's a few of my things.
NOTE: My images tend to be big... i't be nice if there was a spoiler button *hint hint*
one f my most resent drawings for a Contest On Deviant Art
![[Image: tumblr_mpotf7yFcP1r3e9o9o1_1280.jpg]](http://31.media.tumblr.com/c31d101ee509352ef620c8de870933a9/tumblr_mpotf7yFcP1r3e9o9o1_1280.jpg)
The Title Logo draft of my Manga/ comic that I'm kinda working on
![[Image: tumblr_mszfidu1331r3e9o9o1_1280.png]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/5297b20daf0c9e1947c1a1dcdaab1388/tumblr_mszfidu1331r3e9o9o1_1280.png)
And a recent sketch I did cuz I'm rusty
NOTE: My images tend to be big... i't be nice if there was a spoiler button *hint hint*
one f my most resent drawings for a Contest On Deviant Art
![[Image: tumblr_mpotf7yFcP1r3e9o9o1_1280.jpg]](http://31.media.tumblr.com/c31d101ee509352ef620c8de870933a9/tumblr_mpotf7yFcP1r3e9o9o1_1280.jpg)
The Title Logo draft of my Manga/ comic that I'm kinda working on
![[Image: tumblr_mszfidu1331r3e9o9o1_1280.png]](http://25.media.tumblr.com/5297b20daf0c9e1947c1a1dcdaab1388/tumblr_mszfidu1331r3e9o9o1_1280.png)
And a recent sketch I did cuz I'm rusty
![[Image: 1185117_10201190035409128_1313366740_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1185117_10201190035409128_1313366740_n.jpg)